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Moutet L, Bernard P, Green R, Milner J, Haines A, Slama R, Temime L, Jean K. The public health co-benefits of strategies toward net-zero emissions: a systematic review of quantitative studies (2025). Lancet Planetary Health.

Baillot A, Bernard P, Nejm J, Thomas G, Schumacher L, Papasavas P, Bond D. Associations of weather and air pollution with objective physical activity and sedentary time before and after metabolic and bariatric surgery. (2024) Environmental Research Communications

Baillot A, Asselin M, Bernard P, Lapointe J, Bond D; Romain AJ, Garneau PY, Biertho L, Tchernof A, Blackburn P, Langlois MF, Brunet j. Acceptability and Feasibility of the Telehealth Bariatric Behavioural Intervention to Increase Physical Activity before Bariatric Surgery: A Single-Case Experimental Study (Part I) (2024). Obesity Surgery. SportRxiv

Carl J, Abu-Omar K, Bernard P, Lohmann J, White P, Peters J, Sahlqvist S, Ma J, Duncan M, Barnett L. (2024). Physical Literacy in the Context of Climate Change: Is There a Need for Further Refinement of the Concept? (2023). Journal of Physical Activity and Health.

Chauvin V, Villarino RT, Bernard P, Yazbek H, Kern L, Hokayen M, Morvan Y, Mattar L, Kotabagi G, Rizk M, Baillot A, Romain AJ. Impacts of Social Restrictions on Mental Health and Health Behaviours of Individuals With Multimorbidity during Covid-19 Pandemic (2023). Journal of Multimorbidity and Comorbidity. PsyArxiv

Atoui S, Bernard P, Carli F, Liberman S. Association between physical activity, sedentary behaviors and sleep-related outcomes among cancer survivors: a cross-sectional study (2023). International Journal of Behavioral Medicine.

Atoui S, Carli F, Bernard P, Liberman A. Does exercise Improve Sleep Quality and Duration in Patients Undergoing Colorectal Resection for Cancer ? Pilot Randomized Control Trial (2023). Journal of Behavioral Medicine

Baillot A, Brunet J, Lemelin L, Gabriel S, Langlois MF, Tchernof A, Biertho L, Rabasa-Lhoret R, Garneau PY, Aimé A, Bouchard S, Romain AJ, Bernard P. Factors associated with excess skin after bariatric surgery : A mixed method study (2023). Obesity Surgery. MedRxiv

van Allen, Z. M, Bacon, S., Bernard, P., Brown, H., Desroches, S., Kastner, M., Lavoie, K.L., Marques, M.M., McCleary, N., Straus, S., Taljaard, M., Thavorn, K., Tomasone, J. R., & Presseau, J. Clustering of health behaviours in Canadians: A multiple behaviour analysis of data from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (2023). Annals of Behavioral Medicine

Caron T, Bernard P, Gadais T. Clinical and school-based intervention strategies for youth obesity prevention: A systematic review (2023). Frontiers in Sports and Active Living

Fresán U, Bernard P, Fabregues S, Boronat A, Araújo-Soares V, König L, Chevance G. A pilot smartphone intervention aiming to promote a sustainable healthy diet: pre-registered study protocol (2023). Journal of Medical Internet Research – Research Protocol

St-Amour S, Cailhol L, Kingsbury C, Ducasse D, Landry G, Bernard P. Activité physique, sommeil et consommation de substances chez les adultes déclarant un trouble de la personnalité limite en France et au Canada (2022). Santé Mentale au Québec

St-Onge K, Bernard P, Kingsbury C, Houle J. To be moving is to be alive”: older public housing tenants’ perceptions of physical activity (2022). Journal of Aging and Physical Activity

Baillot A, St Pierre M, Bernard P, Burkhardt L, Chorfi W, Bellicha A, Oppert JM, Brunet J. Exercise and bariatric surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the feasibility and acceptability of exercise and controlled trial methods (2022). Obesity Reviews OSF-Preprint. Data

Baillot A, St-Pierre M, Lapointe J, Bernard P, Bond D, Romain AJ, et al. Acceptability and Feasibility of the Telehealth Bariatric Behavioral Intervention to Increase Physical Activity: Protocol for a Single-Case Experimental Study. JMIR Res Protoc. 2022;11(9):e39633.

Lacoste y, Dancause K, Bernard P, Gadais T. A Quasi-Experimental Study of the Effects of an Outdoor Learning Program on Physical Activity Patterns of Children with a Migrant Background: the PASE Study (2021). Physical activity and Health

St-Onge K, Bernard P, Kingsbury C,, Houle J. Older public housing tenants’ capabilities for physical activity (2021). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Bougeard A, Guay Hottin R, Houde V, Jean T, Piront T, Potvin S, Bernard P, Tourjman, V, De Benedictis, L., & Orban, P. (2021). Le phénotypage digital pour une pratique clinique en santé mentale mieux informée. Santé mentale au Québec, 46(1), 135.

Villarino R, Arcay C, Temblor M, Bernard P. The Effects of Lifestyle Intervention Using the Modified Beliefs, Attitude, Subjective Norms, Enabling Factors Model in Hypertension Management: Quasi-Experimental Study (2021). Journal of Medical Internet Research Cardio.

Romain AJ, Bernard P, Piché, Kern, Ouellet-Plamondon, Abdel-Baki, Roy. Mens sana in corpore sano: l’intérêt de l’activité physique auprès des jeunes ayant eu un premier épisode psychotique. Santé Mentale au Québec

van Allen, Bacon S, Bernard P, Kastner M, Desroches S, McCleary N, Taljaard M, Thavorn K, Tormasone J, Lavoie K, Marques M, Presseau J. Clustering of Unhealthy Behaviors: Protocol for a Multiple Behavior Analysis of Data From the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. (2021). JMIR Research Protocols

Geoffrion S, Goncalves J, Robichauda I, Sadera J, Giguère CE, Fortina M, Lamothe J, Bernard P, Guay S. Systematic review and meta-analysis on acute stress disorder: Rates following specific types of traumic events (2020). Trauma, Violence & Abuse

Romain AJ, Bernard P, Akrass Z, St-Amour S, Parisien F, Lachance JP, Hains-Monfette G, Atoui S, Kingsbury C, Dubois E, Karelis AD, Abdel-Baki A. Motivational theory-based interventions on health of people with severe mental illness: A systematic review and meta-analysis (2020).Schizophrenia Research

Sinclair I, St-Pierre, Elgbeili G, Bernard P, Vaillancourt C, Gagnon S, Needham Dancausse K. Psychosocial Stress, Sedentary Behavior, and Physical Activity during Pregnancy among Canadian Women: Relationships in a Diverse Cohort and a Nationwide Sample (2019). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Chevance G, Bernard P, Chamberland PE, Rebar A. The association between implicit attitudes toward physical activity and physical activity behavior: A systematic review and correlational meta-analysis (2019). Health Psychology Review. Archipel-UQAM

St Pierre M, Sinclair I, Elgbeili G, Bernard P, Needham Dancause K. Relationships between psychological distress and health behaviors among Canadian adults: Differences based on income, education, immigrant status, and ethnicity (2019). Social Science & Medicine – Population Health. Archipel-UQAM

Roy, C, Castonguay, A, Fortin, M, Drolet, C, Franche-Choquette, G, Dumais, A, Bernard, P, Geoffrion. S. The use of restraint and seclusion in residential treatment care for youth: A systematic review of related factors and interventions (2019). Trauma, Violence & Abuse

Mas. S, Bernard P, Gourlan M. Determinants of physical activity promotion by smoking cessation advisors (2018). Patient Education Counselling

Francillette Y, Bouchard B, Boucher E, Gaboury S, Bernard P, Romain AJ, Bouchard K . Development of an Exergame on Mobile Phones to Promote Physical Activity for Adults with Severe Mental Illness (2018). The PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, Corfu, Greece.

Guimond AJ, Croteau V, Savard MH, Bernard P, Ivers H, Savard J. Predictors of smoking cessation and relapse in cancer patients and effects on psychological variables : an 18-month observational study (2017). Annals of Behavioral Medicine

Gourland M, Bernard P, Bortholon C, Romain AJ, Lareyre O, Carayol M, Ninot G, Boiché J. Efficacy of theory-based interventions to promote physical activity. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (2016). Health Psychology Review. Website

Romain A, Bernard P, Gernigon C, Avignon A. Measuring the processes of change from the transtheoretical model for physical activity and exercise in overweight and obese adults (2016). American Journal of Health Promotion

Carayol M, Bernard P, Boiché J., Riou F., Mercier B., Cousson-Gélie F., Romain A.J., Ninot G. Psychological impact of exercise in women with breast cancer: What is the optimal dose needed ? (2013) Annals of Oncology

Romain A, Bernard P, Gernigon C, Avignon A. Health-related quality of life and stages of behavior change for exercise in obese individuals (2012). Diabetes and Metabolism.

Romain A, Bernard P, Galvez M, Caudroit J. Supervised exercise intervention for adults with type 2 diabetes: longitudinal investigation of processes of change (2015). Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research.

Filhol G, Bernard P, Ninot G. [Exercise during pregnancy : a review of guidelines] (2014). Gynécologie Obstétrique & Fertilité.

Carayol M, Delpierre C, Bernard P, Ninot G. Population-, intervention-, methodology-related characteristics of clinical trials impact exercise efficacy for breast cancer: a meta-regression analysis. Psycho-Oncology (2015).

Lemercier L, Bernard P, Ninot G. [Adapted Physical Activity program in adults treated with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A feasibility study.] (2015). Oncologie.

Fond G. Guillaume S., Jaussent I., Beziat S., McGregor., Bernard P., Courtet P., Quantin X. Prevalence of non-selected smokers with Attention Deficit /Hyperactivity disorder:a cross-sectional study (2015). Journal of Attention Disorders.

Fond G, Loundou A, Guillaume S, Quantin X, Courtet P, Bernard P, Bailly D, Abbar M, Leboyer M, Boyer L. Smoking behavior characteristics of smokers with childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder:a meta-analysis (2014). European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience.

Fond G. Guillaume S., Artero S., Robles E., Bernard P, Courtet P., Quantin X. Impact of major depression in a smoking-cessation program. A one-year prospective study. (2013) Journal of Affective Disorders.

Vancampfort D, De Hert M, Soundy A, Bernard P, Stubbs B, Probst M. Associations between perceived neighborhood environmental attributes and self-reported sitting time in patients with schizophrenia (2014). Psychiatry Research.

Vancampfort D, De Hert M, Soundy A, Bernard P, Stubbs B, Probst M. Associations between physical activity and the built environment in patients with schizophrenia: a multi-centre study (2013). General Hospital Psychiatry.